Monday, May 16, 2011

5 Stars:3

Post number 3 in my 5 Star series is all about 5 things for which I am greatful.  This post could go WAY past 5 things.  I am so incredibly blessed, I cannot name all the ways.  I can list 5 for sure!!

1.  My husband.  He challenges me everyday to be a better, more open, understanding, patient person, to put forth my best effort no matter what, and to not take things so seriously all the time.  He is a giant kid with man-like mean a man with kid-like tendancies.  He loves to play, laugh, joke, and tease.  He is especially good at pushing my buttons.  But when it's time to put his work hat on, he will work until the work is done.  His work ethic is like none I've ever seen...except maybe in my own father.

2.  My family.  I give credit to my family as a whole for most of my blessings in life...Well, God for my family and my family for my blessings.  My upbringing was full of love, encouragement, culture, fun, God, and LOVE.  I was taught to do my best, work hard, and love unconditionally.   From my parents, to my grandparents, to my aunts, uncles, sibling, and cousins, everyone was a role model for these things.  My family is extraordinary at the very least.  I learn from them every day.  Those lesson have helped me be the person I am, and have helped me get to where I am. 

3.  My calling to be a nurse.  Many people struggle with a path in life...a career choice..."what am I going to do with for the rest of my life?"  "Do I really want to do this for the rest of my life?"  Some people go into nursing for the job security and potential for big bucks.  Those nurses arn't the best nurses.  I truly believe it is a calling.  From the day I started nursing school, I knew I wanted to be a nurse.  I hated every minute of nursing school.  It was "grey" and really really really HARD.  But hating nursing school never discouraged me from wanting to be a nurse.  Now that I am a nurse and have been since 2004, I know there is nothing in this world I would rather do for a career.  It is rewarding in so many ways.  I never go home and think about being anything else when I grow up. 

4.  The privilege of living in The United States of America.  Although there are many things going on in this country and in this world that I don't agree with, I live in a place where I can say that I don't agree with my government.  I am FREE, and SO grateful for the men and women in uniform that make that possible every day. 

5.  Crossfit.  Do I really have to explain it again??

Tell me about some of your blessings.

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