Friday, May 6, 2011

5 Stars

So... I'm following in the foot steps of my girl, Mel over The Clothes Make the Girl. She got the idea from another blogger.  Go figure!  The gist of this whole deal is to make five short lists about yourself...5 positive short lists.  These are the five categories of positiveness:

*5 things you love about yourself
*5 things your body can do
*5 things you are grateful for
*5 things that make you happy
*5 people (including pets) that you love

Now, for me of few of these lists may seem redundant or over lap.  But, the positive things in my life are sort of continuous throughout and affect many many aspects of my life. In keeping with the trend of the other peeps participating in this lovely mood lifting list making, I am going to do one list at a time.  So today you get
5 things I love about myself:

1.  I'm "true blue."  I once had a coach call me this.  He said, no matter what, if I said I'd be there, I'd be there, and I'd give my all no matter what.  I was so humbled at that moment.  I've tried to hang on to this and strive to stay this way into my adulthood. 

2.  I am FANTASTIC at my job.  I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but it's true.  And I'm not saying there are not places I can improve, but my patients know and trust me.  They don't like it when I'm gone, and I hear about it when I return.  I have several patients who will not allow any other nurse to come anywhere close to them with a needle.  The pride buried deep inside loves this. 

3.  I'm no damsel in distress.  I can change my own oil, fix a flat tire, I have the brains not to run out of gas, I swing a hammer better than most men.  Don't expect to see me on the side of the road waiting for someone to come save me.  I can save myself and save us all a whole lot of time.

4.  I have fantastic eye lashes.  Thanks, Mom and Dad.

5.  I don't make friends easily, but I keep the friends I make for a lifetime.  I truly believe that a person can be measure by the company they keep.  If that's the case...I'm awesome! 

Well...what are 5 things YOU love about YOURSELF???

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