Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't Worry. Be Happy. :-)

Post #4 of my 5 Star series.  I'm have a little extra time at the end of my work day, so I thought I'd dive on into number 4 on my list of 5.  This is another category that seems impossible to whittle down while at the same time keeping in mind #5(5 people/pets that you are thankful for).  Lots of things make me happy.  Lots..LOTS! 

#1  Waking up on my own, without an alarm.  There is just something about waking up without being jolted artificially out of Dreamland.  I feel refreshed and ready to go about my day with a smile on my face.

#2   Dark Chocolate.  Smooth.  Silky, Tasty. Yummy.  :-)

#3   Playing softball.  I've been playing softball since kindergarten.  I played on a tournament team when I was a little girl.  I played for my high school.  I played city league three nights a week most of the way through college.  I play city league now.  It takes me back to a time in my life when I had almost no worries.  Life right at that moment is about your team and the game.  Playing ball just makes me happy... and its good interval exercise at the same time!

#4-  MaMa's sandwiches.  I don't normally eat bread, however if MaMa is making me a sandwich, I'm going to eat it.  Period.  I don't know what it is about her sandwiches...or anything else she makes for that matter, it all just tastes AH-MAZING.  I could follow her around the grocery store and buy all the same ingredients.  I could stand with her side-by-side, and make a sandwich identical to her's step-by-step.  It will not taste the same.  Everyone says it's because she "cooks with love."  She is love.  Her sandwiches make me happy.  Makes me feel like all is right in the world, even if just for a second.

#5-  Spinach.  I know you're thinking, "huh?"  I realize this is the 3rd food item on my list.  I guess I could have lumped all things tasty into one item on this list, but it just wouldn't be fair.  Some food items deserve more notoriety.  Maybe I'll have a sixth post about my 5 foods that make me happy, or my 5 favorite Mommy food items... hmmmm.  Anyway, I l.o.v.e. spinach.  Raw, steamed, sauteed, microwavable...just not canned.  I love it with breakfast, in place of lettuce in my salads, and as a side at dinner.  I could eat it every meal.  Seriously.  Plus it's super healthy and full of iron.  We women of child bearing age need all the dietary iron we can get. 

I wish I could list more than 5 things that make me happy.  There really are SO many.  What makes you happy?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thanks, Mark

So, I'm not 100% primal. I'm not even 80% primal right now.  But I try.  I have good days.  I have bad days.  But explaining to people, why I do or don't eat certain things is exhausting.  I love Marks Daily Apple.  I L.O.V.E. this post.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Monday, May 16, 2011

5 Stars:3

Post number 3 in my 5 Star series is all about 5 things for which I am greatful.  This post could go WAY past 5 things.  I am so incredibly blessed, I cannot name all the ways.  I can list 5 for sure!!

1.  My husband.  He challenges me everyday to be a better, more open, understanding, patient person, to put forth my best effort no matter what, and to not take things so seriously all the time.  He is a giant kid with man-like mean a man with kid-like tendancies.  He loves to play, laugh, joke, and tease.  He is especially good at pushing my buttons.  But when it's time to put his work hat on, he will work until the work is done.  His work ethic is like none I've ever seen...except maybe in my own father.

2.  My family.  I give credit to my family as a whole for most of my blessings in life...Well, God for my family and my family for my blessings.  My upbringing was full of love, encouragement, culture, fun, God, and LOVE.  I was taught to do my best, work hard, and love unconditionally.   From my parents, to my grandparents, to my aunts, uncles, sibling, and cousins, everyone was a role model for these things.  My family is extraordinary at the very least.  I learn from them every day.  Those lesson have helped me be the person I am, and have helped me get to where I am. 

3.  My calling to be a nurse.  Many people struggle with a path in life...a career choice..."what am I going to do with for the rest of my life?"  "Do I really want to do this for the rest of my life?"  Some people go into nursing for the job security and potential for big bucks.  Those nurses arn't the best nurses.  I truly believe it is a calling.  From the day I started nursing school, I knew I wanted to be a nurse.  I hated every minute of nursing school.  It was "grey" and really really really HARD.  But hating nursing school never discouraged me from wanting to be a nurse.  Now that I am a nurse and have been since 2004, I know there is nothing in this world I would rather do for a career.  It is rewarding in so many ways.  I never go home and think about being anything else when I grow up. 

4.  The privilege of living in The United States of America.  Although there are many things going on in this country and in this world that I don't agree with, I live in a place where I can say that I don't agree with my government.  I am FREE, and SO grateful for the men and women in uniform that make that possible every day. 

5.  Crossfit.  Do I really have to explain it again??

Tell me about some of your blessings.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This week at CrossFitFTW, D has been prescribing some of the "girls."  "Helen" was Monday. Today..."Annie."  "Annie" consists of: 50-40-30-20-10 reps of double unders and sit ups.  I did this in January.  At the time, I wasn't very confident in my DUs so I did single unders at a 3:1 ratio.  I killed it at 9:05 or something.  I've progressed (a little) on my double unders, so today I was determined to do it prescribed.  My time...15:50.  Bummer.  I didn't know what to expect since I had never done it prescribed before.  I only strung together 8 DU's at the most, so they REALLY ate up the clock.  I have many lashing marks on my legs, arms, and hands.  But, I now have a PRESCRIBED benchmark to work from.  I can't be too dissapointed.  Before we tackled "Annie," we did a 5x5 progression of weighted reverse lunges.  My knees are bruised and my butt is already getting sore.  My weights were 45#-55#-65#-75#-85#.  That's the equivalent of 50 walking lunges...only backwards...with a barbell on your back.  Bring on the soreness!!

I wonder which lady D will pull out of the bag tomorrow??

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 2 of my five 5 star posts.

Today I post about...5 things my body can do.  I really love this one.  Only because, being a normal girl, I have body image issues.  My legs are too short and, um, thick.  My butt is just as thick as my legs.  I have line backer shoulders.  BUT what I perceive my body to look like is not what this post is about.  It's about what this body God gave me is capable of...

1.  I can throw like a boy.  My daddy gave me some important tools growing up.  To throw a punch and a ball like a boy was one of them.  I believe this ability hasgotten me several dates, and intimidated many a girlie girl along the way.  Awesome.

2.  I can over-head squat 130#.  I know a said something about this last week, but IT. WAS. AWESOME. And I still can't believe I actually did it.  You can go see it here.  I can also, do 3 pull-ups, squat clean 125#, do double unders, push ups, 1.5pood kettle bell swings, 20" box jumps, walking lunges, 85# power snatch....the list goes on and I'm forever thankful for CrossFit.

3.  I can two-step with my hubby like no body's business.  This includes the occasional flip, and even more rare jitter-bug shoulder stands.

4.  I can start an IV and you may not even feel it.  Starting IVs is a skill that involves, skill, knowledge, and instinct.  In the world of nursing, either you're good at starting IVs or you're not.  I am good.  I am very good.  I have the occasional bad day (who doesn't), but all-in-all, I can put a needle in your vein and almost invariably, you will say, "Wow!  That's it?"

5.  I have an Olympic immune system.  In 13years of public education, and 5years of college, I can honestly say I may have missed a total of 10days of school due to sickness.   Now I'm a nurse and am constantly surrounded with all kinds of infections; stomach bugs, pneumonia, skin infections.....  I  manage to stay healthy with only the occasional sinus infection usually caused by occasional allergies.   I'm constantly hearing about teachers getting sick all the time, or mommies getting sick from whatever their kids brought home from school.  So far, this hasn't effected me at all.  I guess I'm genetically blessed in the immune system department.  Thanks, Mom and Dad. 

What awesome things can your God given body do???

Friday, May 6, 2011

5 Stars

So... I'm following in the foot steps of my girl, Mel over The Clothes Make the Girl. She got the idea from another blogger.  Go figure!  The gist of this whole deal is to make five short lists about yourself...5 positive short lists.  These are the five categories of positiveness:

*5 things you love about yourself
*5 things your body can do
*5 things you are grateful for
*5 things that make you happy
*5 people (including pets) that you love

Now, for me of few of these lists may seem redundant or over lap.  But, the positive things in my life are sort of continuous throughout and affect many many aspects of my life. In keeping with the trend of the other peeps participating in this lovely mood lifting list making, I am going to do one list at a time.  So today you get
5 things I love about myself:

1.  I'm "true blue."  I once had a coach call me this.  He said, no matter what, if I said I'd be there, I'd be there, and I'd give my all no matter what.  I was so humbled at that moment.  I've tried to hang on to this and strive to stay this way into my adulthood. 

2.  I am FANTASTIC at my job.  I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but it's true.  And I'm not saying there are not places I can improve, but my patients know and trust me.  They don't like it when I'm gone, and I hear about it when I return.  I have several patients who will not allow any other nurse to come anywhere close to them with a needle.  The pride buried deep inside loves this. 

3.  I'm no damsel in distress.  I can change my own oil, fix a flat tire, I have the brains not to run out of gas, I swing a hammer better than most men.  Don't expect to see me on the side of the road waiting for someone to come save me.  I can save myself and save us all a whole lot of time.

4.  I have fantastic eye lashes.  Thanks, Mom and Dad.

5.  I don't make friends easily, but I keep the friends I make for a lifetime.  I truly believe that a person can be measure by the company they keep.  If that's the case...I'm awesome! 

Well...what are 5 things YOU love about YOURSELF???

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So it's been more than a month since I've written.  Sorry to the few stragglers who actually follow this. 

A lot has happened in the last 5 weeks.  Most importantly, my Grandmother died.  There is so much to say about this.  I cannot even begin to start and finish in a way that would satisfy my feelings for her.  She had not been herself for many years, and had no quality of life the last 6-8 months of her life.  But, that doesn't make it any easier to deal with the fact that she's really gone.  My grandmother, with whom I share a birthday, first name, and initials, is gone.  Every time I sign my full name, I will think of her.  And if I ever have a daughter, Charlotte Ellen will be on my list of possible baby names; NOT after myself, but after HER. 

In other news:
- I overhead squatted 130 pounds on Tuesday.  That was awesome.
-My "Primal" diet has been...well...not primal.   Not so awesome.
-I played in a softball tournament last weekend.  We played 7 games in one day.  I now know what they mean when they say getting old isn't for sissies.   Awesome and not awesome all at the same time.
-Amos pulled his toe nail off.  It cost me $250 for sedatives, pain meds, antibiotics, and a small procedue.  Not awesome. 
-He's fine now.  Awesome.
-3 weeks from this Friday will be my 5yr Wedding anniversary.  AWESOME.